Month in moments: May

This past month, I hope you found some peace in new routines, some joy in sunny moments, and some self-compassion when things felt hard. If not, I hope you at least ate some carbs and blamed your feelings on your horoscope :) let it all out.

Here are some of my highlights from May:


I am blowing through my goal of reading 30 books this year! Here's what I read and loved in May:

Untamed by Glennon Doyle
I wasn't sure if I was going to like this book or not. I'd heard Glennon make the rounds on podcasts I listen to, and based on her conversations I thought this was going to be a self-help book of sorts. Don't get me wrong - I think self-help books are valuable, and I keep a few on my shelf to reference often. But I just wasn't overly excited to read Untamed.
I was surprised at how much I loved it. It's less of a self-help book, and more of a memoir that champions themes like honouring yourself, fighting for equality, and unlearning the roles and expectations placed on people by society. It was refreshing and brave. I loved it.

Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese
I think this book should be required reading for all Canadians. I'm ashamed to say that I didn't learn about the horror of the residential school system until I was in university. This book paints a picture of what it was like growing up for Indigenous Peoples in Canada in the 1960's. I read the book in two days and cried when I finished.

New workout routine

I finally understand those people who jump out of bed, excited to exercise!

Personal trainers and fitness gurus always talk about the importance of finding a workout you love, because that's the easiest way to stick with it. I never really believed I'd find that. I mostly stuck with workouts I tolerated and workouts I didn't mind.

Now that I've gained hours of my life back from not commuting, I've been able to try different routines on YouTube. I tried Chloe Ting's ab routine, Blogilates, and the Jump Rope Dudes before finally landing on my FAVOURITE WORKOUT EVER: dancing with Fit Marshall!!

Oh my goodness. I always finish these dance sessions feeling energized and super happy. I look like an uncoordinated idiot for the majority of the workout, but I don't even care. They are SO much fun.

I track all my workouts with my Apple Watch, and I was surprised to see that I burned more calories from my Fit Marshall workouts than any other comparable workout I've tried. I would MUCH rather be dancing like a crazy person for 45 minutes than jumping rope or doing burpees.

Warm weather

Spring/summer finally arrived in full force, and it's made a world of difference. I am fortunate enough to be able to use my parents' backyard deck as an office space, so I've spent most of the past two weeks outside. I've also been going for beautiful long walks, admiring all the fragrant flowers and lush greenery. My family has been eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and we've taken our meals outside.

Here's a playlist I've been putting on to enjoy all this outside time :)


Bold statement: I may never go back to my daily makeup routine again.

It's a combination of just not caring enough to, but also embracing my pores, and incorporating a new skincare regimen. (Also, if we're all going to be wearing masks in public, why bother?!)

I've invested in some really good skincare products (thanks to my best friend's expertise - I mean she has a skincare FRIDGE, she is most definitely a pro :) ). I use Olehenriksen's Banana Bright Vitamin C serum every morning, and Shani Darden's Retinol Reform three nights a week. I'm confident enough to go on my Zoom video conferences without a stitch of makeup on my face, so something must be working!

Checking in on how you're feeling

Image from the very talented Courtney Ahn

How are you doing this month? Are you settling in to a "new normal"? Or are you feeling anxious or a little uncertain? At a time when it seems like the whole world has turned upside down, it's important to acknowledge your feelings, and reach out if you need to. I'm always here to offer a listening ear.


When you know better, do better


Spring Wardrobe Refresh - The 10 pieces I'll be wearing on Repeat