Weekly Bests 2019.13,14,15

Ok, I'm going to have to start calling these Monthly Bests pretty soon, if I don't get my act together!

I've been implementing the project I finished up last month, so my days at work have been jam-packed, but rewarding. I'm also running the Bay Street Suit Challenge, which has been a fun initiative to work on off the side of my desk :) Never a dull moment!

Combine that with peak wedding planning (invitations, logistics, scheduling, arguing!!), and I don't know how I had time to do all the fun things below...time to book a massage!

TIFF Picture Palace

In keeping with our New Year's Resolution to try something new/learn something new/do something new each month, my bestie got us tickets to the TIFF Picture Palace! It was AWESOME!

Whether you're a movie buff, or just looking to try something unique, this exhibition takes you behind the scenes to see how movie magic is made and offers something for everyone. We learned how to work a camera, what an interview set up looks like, how to do a Bollywood dance on camera, the importance of lighting, foley (so cool), dubbing (so cool), and how sets can create optical illusions. It was a lot of fun!

Afterwards, we discovered that Luma upstairs has "Magic Hour" (a really good happy hour), and I ended up taking another one of my besties later that week too! The "YTZ-JFK" cocktail was a hit.

Photo credit from Curiocity

Wine and Cheese Night

My ideal night is this: wine, cheese, and good conversation. Truly, all I need in life!

My cousin came over with pisco from Chile and cheese from England (the life of a jetsetter :) ), and we had a lovely time chatting, watching Sing (I downloaded the soundtrack right away) and Drag Race. It doesn't get better than that :)

Café Landwer

I caught up with another one of my girlfriends last week at Café Landwer - she always has the best restaurant/food recommendations, and I always ask her to pick because she's vegan and sources the best spots. Not only is Café Landwer totally Instagram-worthy on the inside, their menu is also delicious and includes some really unique vegan options! Definitely a hit in my books :)

Opening of Maison Selby

Azim and I were happy to try out Maison Selby for dinner when it first opened earlier this month. It's a wonderful addition to the neighbourhood I work in - it's a got a great happy hour (called Ooh La L'Heure), and Azim and I will also be back for brunch for sure! Azim got the truffle pasta, I had the poached salmon, followed by chocolate hazelnut cake and crème brulée. It was all divine!

Enjoying the Spring Sunshine

Azim and I enjoyed one of the first sunny days this season by going to Sophie's Kitchen for brunch, Edwards Gardens to walk it off, and Creeds to do some wedding planning. We definitely wouldn't have spent so much time outside, walking around and enjoying ourselves, if the weather hadn't been so great. Spring is in the air!

Beethoven's Eroica at the TSO

I go on endlessly about how much I love the symphony, and how great the TSO's TSOUNDCHECK program is, and I won't stop. If you're 35 and under and live in Toronto you really should subscribe! The symphony is not boring, far from it.

This concert featured Debussy's "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun", Karol Szymanowski's "Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. 35", and Beethoven's "Eroica" received several standing ovations. It was powerful and beautiful. I took my mom and we both loved it.

Captain Marvel

Me when Azim keeps procrastinating on sending our wedding invitations out

I am a HUGE fan of female superheroes. I watched Wonder Woman multiple times, I think Shuri is the best character in Black Panther, and it's obvious that I would be Jean Grey aka Dark Phoenix if I were in the franchise ;) so I was not surprised when I watched Captain Marvel and LOVED it!

I haven't seen Ant Man and the Wasp yet, so I'm going to tune into it tonight to see if I'll be extending my girl-crush to the Wasp too :) Girl power <3


Toronto Bucket List - Summer 2019


Outfit Drop - Black & White & Red